I turned 29 yesterday...which semi-freaks me out. I still feel 19 and in my mind I think I still look 25...ish. But, I guess as the saying goes "you are only as old as you feel" which, if that were the case I think that would mean I'm like 80...ish... buut that's a whole other story for a different time. :) This year my birthday was delightful, not because of any gift I received but the time I was able to spend with my family and loved ones (as cheesy and hallmark as that sounds). It was nice to be able to celebrate. This past week marked the first week I went back to work and left Landon with my mom. I'm not going to lie it was super hard to leave him those first few days, I of course cried in the car and Rey looked at me like I was a crazy person. I mean, I had been with him for the past 10 weeks pretty much non stop so the thought of leaving him scared me. Of course he is in the best of the best of hands, I couldn't ask for a better situation. My mom adores Landon as any grandmother would and as the days go by it gets easier and easier to leave him. As soon as Rey and I leave him we are in the car asking each other "I wonder what Landon is doing? I sure miss that little guy, I can't wait to see him again." Anyways, back to the birthday thing...Friday night Rey's brother, Alex came into town from Miami and stayed the night at our house. It was nice for him to be able to see Landon and to hang out with us for the night. The next morning we all woke up early. Not that Rey and I really have a choice, Landon pretty much dominates when we decide to sleep. We all went to KeKe's in Winter Park (which has the most delish French Toast I have ever had). Then ventured over to the Winter Park Farmers market, did some shopping and some Starbucksing....I made that word up, feel free to use it at your discretion. Later that night we went for sushi at Amura where Landon chose to have his first melt down in a restaurant...he is usually a super good baby but chose to start screaming in a quiet sushi restaurant seemed about right. In the end a bottle seemed to do the trick and all ended well. :) Onto Sunday...Rey knows how much I love love love cupcakes from Sweet! being the sweet guy he is he drove me allll the way to Waterford Lakes so I could pick out my favorite flavors. Later that evening we went to Vito's Chophouse on I-drive with my parents, my in-laws and brother in-laws. Where they serve you portions so huge not even that Japanese guy who eats all those hot dogs could finish. Also, on a side note, there was a creepy server there that was obsessed with Landon. At least I'm fairly certain she worked there...the way she kept staring at him and peering her head into his car seat, I honestly thought it was going to turn into one of those Lifetime Original movies where all of a sudden we check the car seat and Landon is gone and she has escaped out the back of the restaurant with my child. Luckily that did not happen and we made it home safe and sound with him. :) Monday, the 22nd was my official birthday which included a little work, a little shopping and the most important thing..hanging out with my two favies, Rey and Landon. I couldn't of asked for a better birthday. I love being a mom and a wife. They are two of the most rewarding things I have ever done and probably will do in my life. My husband is the sweetest, most kind man in the world. He would honestly do anything for me and for Landon, I could not be more blessed. At the end of the day getting a year closer to 30 really isn't that big of a deal when you are the luckiest girl in the world. :)

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