DC Part One

Last week/weekend we ventured our way to the Nation's Capital, Washington, DC for my brother's graduation from Medical School. This was Landon's first plane ride so needless to say Rey and I were a bit nervous to see how the ride would play out. We boarded the plane Wednesday evening for the 2.5 hour ride loaded down with snacks, an iPad full of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Third & Bird. After holding my breath during the take off and saying a silent prayer to myself that went along the lines of "Please lord, do not let me have that child and please do not let us be those people with the crying baby the entire flight." To my amazement he just gazed out the windows with those blue eyes wide. He spent most of the flight entertained by the other passengers (the child loves to stare and people watch) and eating veggie puffs. I doubted him and he surpassed my expectations. That kid never ceases to amaze me.
Thursday we spent the day sight-seeing throughout DC. We visited the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, Korean War Memorial, and the Vietnam War Memorial. It was a gorgeous day spent walking and viewing the sites. Landon was such a trooper the entire time and just rode along his merry way in his stroller. We ended the afternoon of seeing the sites with a late lunch at a local British Pub and treated ourselves to a delicious frosty Stella. It was a great day spent with my family. Check back tomorrow for Part 2!


  1. I want to visit DC so bad!
    Cute pictures...

  2. Yay for a stress-free flying experience! Landon is a champ :) Looks like fun - and you look adorable as usual...


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