What Landon Wore : Week 9

When: Saturday, March 17, 2011
Where: Lake Mary Farmers Market and Celebrating St. Patrick's Day festivities with Mom & Dad.
What Landon Wore: 
Green Plaid Romper: Baby GAP
Shoes: Chambray Bimini Tiny TOMS...I'm kinda starting the get the hang of this shoe thing. "Kinda" being the keyword. We are taking baby steps over here. (pun intended)
Perfecting his Zoolander. He's pretty good if I do say so myself.

When: Sunday, March 18, 2011
Where: Publix shopping trip and playing with Mom & Dad.
What Landon Wore: 
Plaid Button Up: Gymboree
Destroyed Jorts: Baby GAP
Mocassins: Baby GAP


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