surprise! i'm back. mainly because that (see below) happened. i'm thirteen weeks and can barely make it until 8pm most nights. i don't remember feeling this tired when i was pregnant with landon. although, when i was pregnant with landon i also wasn't chasing him around all day. other than the extreme tiredness i feel great. i'm one of the lucky few that doesn't experience too much morning sickness. this week i took a blood test to determine the gender and should get the results back sometime next week. i say boy (based on rey's family history of only producing boys, i'm going to say i'm right) everyone else says girl but i'm pretty sure they are just wishful thinking. either way, i don't care, as long as he or she is healthy that's all that matters. the part i am most excited is to see landon with a baby. he is baby obsessed so i don't think having one at the house is going to be an issue. well, until he realizes that he/she is here for good and not leaving any time soon. the weirdest thing i have been asked is "was it an accident?" five men have asked me this question. i'm not even sure why someone would think to ask that or even how to respond. "no. it wasn't an accident. i'm thirty-two years old and am well aware of how to not have a baby and how to have one. but, thanks?"
hopefully i will be back to blogging more on the regular over the next few weeks once i can stay up to a normal adult hour. happy tuesday!