This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of VSP Direct.
With Fall knocking on our doors next week comes new pieces to add to our wardrobes. Sleeves get longer, dust those coats off from the back of our closets and throw on your coziest boots to keep those toes warm and let's not forget about those frames that shape your face just right. During the Fall I am always bringing out my glasses. My eyes tire from the endless contact lens wear and could just use a break every now and then. Complete your Fall outfit and "insure" your look with an affordable vision care insurance from
VSP Direct. From VSP Direct, insurance benefits can be purchased directly to you, or as a gift to someone else. Plans starting at just under $17 per month! I spend more at Starbucks each day!
- Covers eye exam with a low co-payment
- Allowance for glasses or contacts, fully covered lens options
- Lowest out-of-pocket cost in vision care with a typical annual savings of $227
- 100% satisfaction guaranteed
- 30,000 providers in convenient locations makes VSP Direct the largest doctor network in the industry
What glasses would you chose for yourself to complete your Fall wardrobe?
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of VSP Direct.